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Veggie Spring rolls
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Take Care Of Your Body. It’s The Only One You’ve Got.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum.
4-Week Fitness Plan: A Guide to Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
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[JP] Question Words: 何
何 何 generally means "what." It can also mean "which" and "how many" when combined with other word.何 can be pronounced as なに (nani) and なん (nan), depending what is connected to it. 何 (なに) なに is usually seen as a one complete word, therefore, it is usually used with...
[JP] Verbs: Do (+Particles: で,を)
[Subject] は [Time] に [Means] で [Accompanying Person] と [Place] で [Object] o [verb][Subject] wa [Time] ni [Means] de [Accompanying Person] to [Place] で [Object] o [verb] E.g., 鈴木さんとA-Mallで買い物します。(Suzuki-san to A-Mall de kaimono shimasu) =I will go shopping at A-Mall...
[JP] Verbs: Go, Come, Return (+Particles: に,で,と,へ)
[Subject] は [Time] (に) [Means of Transportation] で [Accompanying Person] と [Place] へ/に [行きます/来ます/帰ります][Subject] wa [Time] (ni) [Means of Transportation] de [Accompanying Person] to [Place] e/ni [ikimasu / kimasu / kaerimasu] E.g., 明日、自転車で学校へ行きます (ashita jitensha de...
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