[Subject] [Time] [Means] [Accompanying Person] [Place] [Object] o [verb]
[Subject] wa [Time] ni [Means] de [Accompanying Person] to [Place] [Object] o [verb] 


  • 鈴木さんA-Mall買い物します。(Suzuki-san to A-Mall de kaimono shimasu) =I will go shopping at A-Mall with Mr./Ms. Suzuki.
  • 黒ペン書きました。(kro-pen de kakimashita) =I wrote it with a black pen.
  • 午後5時コンビニ支払いました。(gogo go-ji ni konbini de shiharaimashita) =At 5 PM, I paid it at a convenience store.
  • 図書館宿題します。(kro-pen de kakimashita) =I wrote it with a black pen.

[Place] で

(de) indicates the place where the action is done. It can be viewed a means used to take an action. 

[Object] を

(o) is a particle indicating the target of action.

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