A new version of this site is coming (pages are currently under-construction)

Here, you can find collections of apps, tools, and other works that I developed in my spare time.
There are also non-software contents, such articles and databases

DrawWord Line Sticker now available >>

Mobile Apps: All available on PlayStore and Huawei AppGallery, Some available on AppStore

DrawWord – Learn JP from Kanji Writing and Image Drawing (Android + iOS) 🟊🟊🟊 (NEW) (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac)

Learn Language from Writing & Drawing with AI – This app is designed to help learning Japanese and Chinese languages. Kotoba-chan, an AI, will teach you how to write Kanji characters and challenge you by quizzes. There is also a mode (under research) where you can learn Kanji from drawing objects. The app demonstrates the state-of-the-art AI technologies for writing stroke recognition and image recognition, and well as character expression control.

Game, For Language Learners


MeloTex – Melodic Texts (Android, iOS)
Play Melodies from Texts, Notepad for Melodies

For music learners/composers

Encoda – Encode Texts / Encrypt Messages (Android & iOS)
Encode your message to hide contents

For anyone

EmoCam – Emotion Aura Visualizer 🟊 (Android) waiting for technology to improve
Seeing your emotion aura! Facial expression analysis based on the-state-of-the-art deep learning models

For anyone

LightUp – Blinking Color (Android & iOS)
Blink colorful light using mobile, designed for cheering activities, card stunt

For anyone

InvestCal – Investment Calculators (Android)
Investment Calculator for buying and selling

For traders, investors

DrawLots – Randomizer (Android & iOS) 🟊🟊
Drawing lots on your mobile. Easy-to-use with interface designed for party & events

For anyone

GeoCal – Geometry Calculators (Android)
Small, yet powerful calculator for 2D shapes
For those work with geometry

For math learners

AskAround (Android & iOS)
“Ask people Around you,” That’s what this app is designed to help you to do!

For travelers, anyone


Little Suite (Windows): Microsoft Store

Available on Microsoft Store
Unility tools designed under the concept of “Simple, yet powerful”; they are simple to use, yet can help speeding up your daily tasks. They are small in size, yet can be applied and used in various situations.

Little Transformer 🟊🟊🟊 Updated 2022/07, Well-maintained
Ultimate Text Fotmatter. A text editor with TTS designed for formatting data format and assisting coding. Converting file/data structure in a single click. This is an app, I always use during coding, so it is maintained well.

For anyone, esp. writers, programmers, analysts

Little FileManager
A must-have tool if you have many file collections. Make file management easy and fun.

For anyone

Little TTS
Table-based multi-language speech synthesis designed for language learning

For language learners

Little CSV
Bulk CSV File Manager: concatenating files, extract mean/average, SD, Min, Man, Median, Mode, etc.

For data analysts

Little Query
A tool for querying and exporting data from SQL Database

For SQL users

Little Cal
Simple calculator that can store and export calculation history.

For anyone

Little InvestCal
Investment Calculator for buying and selling. With Tabs function.

For traders, investors



Special-purpose App: Microsoft Store


Segment Analyser
Evaluation tool for Temporal Segmentation / Motion Segmentation Research

For researchers

Online Tools: on this site


Message Board (NEW)
Designed for passing and sharing messages/data over the internet: leave your messages online / pass data to other devices

Statistical Tests: 2-Sample (NEW)
Normality Tests (Shapiro–Wilk); Paired Samples t-Test, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test; Independent Samples t-test, Mann–Whitney U test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; Levene’s test for Homogeneity of Variance

Text Transformer 🟊
Web-based Little Transformer

For anyone, esp. writers, programmers, analysts

Prove my location

For anyone

Investment Calculators
Online tools for planning your investment investors

For investors

Chat with people around you – P-Library

For anyone

Online Tools: algorithm showcase (NEW)

Codes will be released.


Knapsack Optimization
Given a set of items, each with a size and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total size is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.

Coin Change (Change-making problem)
How many ways can we make the change, and what is the minimum number of coins that add up to a given amount of money?

Most Frequently Occurring Item
Finding the most frequently occurring item in a given integer array (Counting the occurrences / frequency of array elements).

Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
Find the length of the longest subsequence of a given sequence such that all elements of the subsequence are sorted in increasing order.

Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
Finding the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences

Shortest Common Supersequence (SCS)
Given two strings, return the shortest string that has both strings.

Subarray with given sum
How many subsets can sum up to a certain number? (Find sets/arrays of numbers that add up to a given value).

Subarray with given multiplication
How many subsets can multiply to a certain number? (Find sets/arrays of numbers that multiply to a given value).

Levenshtein Distance (String Edit Distance)

Quantifying how dissimilar two strings (e.g., words) are to one another.

Kadane’s Algorithm to Maximum Sum Subarray Problem
Given an array of integers,find the maximum subarray sum possible of all the non-empty subarrays.

Languages and Technology used in apps above

Distribution Platforms

Available on: Google Play, App Store, Huawei AppGallery, Microsoft Store, Xiaomi GetApps, Thaiware

Developer: Pujana P
Contact for Technical Supports & etc. : Pujana [dot] P [at] gmail.com

Don`t copy text!